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Members portfolios: Wendy North

Wendy (Wendy North LRPS)

YPU Delegate
Committee Member

Wendy's images

Ice On The Pond -

Ice On The Pond

Barnsley -


Rain Over Luskentyre -

Rain Over Luskentyre

Summer Morning Pye Flatt Meadow -

Summer Morning Pye Flatt Meadow

Windows -


Teddys Story -

Teddys Story

Abstract 2 Worsbrough Dam -

Abstract 2 Worsbrough Dam

Worsbrough Abstract3 -

Worsbrough Abstract3

Ice Patterns -

Ice Patterns

The Hepworth Wakefield2 -

The Hepworth Wakefield2

Harris Storm -

Harris Storm

Fumeroles Geysir -

Fumeroles Geysir

Wendy's blog posts